Sinus Lift


The prosthetic restoration by implants in the posterior area of the jaw represents a clinical challenge because of the low height of the alveolar bone in this area. This is due to the natural resorbtion of the alveolar bone after teeth extraction.


Indications sinus lift: – low height of the alveolar bone in the lateral maxillary area.


To be able to obtain enough space to insert the implants in the lateral maxillary side, it is being used the surgical technique of lifting the sinus membrane (open sinus lift). The materials (the membrane and the artificial bone) used by the clinic INTELIDENT within this surgery are biomaterials GEISTLICH – the best documented and tested materials from the world-wide regenerative stomatology.



Moreover, the clinic INTELIDENT uses the most advanced system for stimulation and acceleration of the healing of the tissue and regeneration thereof – Technology PRGF® – plasma rich in growth factors. More about the technology PRGF® here!


The technique of open sinus lift (with lateral window) is accompanied by the simultaneous insertion of the implants to avoid a second surgery. For this to be possible, the height of the residual bone must be of at least 4-5 mm to obtain a well primary stability of the implant. If the height of the alveolar bone is small of 5 mm, after the intervention of sinus lift it is necessary a second intervention to insert implants, at a variable period, somewhere between 8-9 months, after the surgery of sinus lift. 




The intervention of open sinus lift is made under local anaesthesia, it is practiced an incision at the level of the gum of the posterior area of the jaw, where the intervention is to be made, it is made a window in the lateral wall of the sinus and with the proper instruments it is lifted from near to near the Schneideriana (sinus) membrane from the walls of the sinus cavity, so that it creates the necessary space of bone grafting.




This space newly created shall be filled with a mix of artificial bone, plasma clot and membrane produced by the technology PRGF® and with an autogenous bone (of the patient). In the end, the window created shall be protected with an artificial membrane is repositioned, perfectly closing the operator sinus. The technique of open sinus lift allows the obtaining of a bone height between 8 and 15 mm.



– Non compensated diabetes, autoimmune diseases 

– Thrombocytopenia

– Radiotherapy in the area of the head and the neck or chemotherapy, preceding by at least 6 months the intervention of sinus lift 

– Drug/alcohol addiction 

– Patient uncooperative / with psychiatric disorders

– Excessive smoking

– Acute sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis, recurrent

– Benign aggressive or malignant tumours in the immediate area of the receptor bed